Tuesday, February 23, 2021

ABC Machinery Charcoal machine equipment

The raw materials of the charcoal making machine are very important. We must ensure the quality of the charcoal, it is necessary to make a good charcoal rod. In addition to the quality of the stick depends on the charcoal machine equipment and process, it also depends on the amount of moisture in the raw material. Generally, the moisture content of the raw materials is required to be less than 12%, but also greater than 6%. Therefore, our initial task is to ensure the moisture content of the raw materials.

The raw material rod making is finished in the forming machine (or sawdust briquettes making machine). There are three heating rings outside the molding cylinder of the molding sawdust briquette press, which can increase the temperature of the molding cylinder to about 350°C.

Let's analyze the relationship between carbon and temperature through raw materials, molding, carbonization, and products. The whole process of burning charcoal is dealing with heat. The amount of heat can be measured by a specific "temperature".

In order to ensure that the charcoal rod has a high density, a lubricating surface, and no significant cracks. We can select the appropriate molding temperature according to the variety of raw materials and moisture content. Its unevenness must be determined through field experiments. Generally speaking, if we assume that the screw propeller is qualified and the moisture content of the raw material is between 6-12%, then we can control the final temperature of wood chips, wood sawdust, wood shavings and bamboo raw materials at 260-320℃ between.