Monday, March 23, 2015

What's the Optimal Length To Diameter Ratio Of Wood Pellets?

Q: I have three questions:
  • I have seen a few ring die pellet mill and the diameter of the ring die is all 30-50mm. I saw an article said that the length to diameter ratio of wood pellets should be 9-18. Is this true?
  • What can the length to diameter ratio be at maximum for making wood pellets?
  • What can the length to diameter ratio of wood pellets be at minimum?
Wood Pellets
A: I don’t know from where you saw the article, but there is no such thing. The length-diameter ratio of wood pellets cannot be so big. It might be suitable for fish or shrimp feed pellets. Actually, the ratio should be decided depending on the raw material. Different raw materials have different optimal length-diameter ratio. But whatever the material is, it can’t be more than 1:7. Otherwise, the ring die will have a seizure.