Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Discussion about pellet fuel industry

Why pellet fuel didn’t get widespread application? The reason is more than just technical defects. The Second Oil Crisis brought worldwide panic about energy resources. Many developed countries began the research of energy-saving technology and looking for oil fuel alternative. At that time, solar energy, wind energy and wood fuel all got people’s attention. In northern Europe, the United States, Japan and Southeast Asia, many companies got through the crisis relying on wood fuel. However, after the oil crisis, when the oil prices tend to be stable, many companies and factories engaged in wood fuel business closed down. Not only wood fuel, the development of many other kinds of new energy was also affected. Wood fuel energy survives in Northern Europe, because of rich local wood resources and the influence of national policy.
Wood Pellets
In the year 2005, when the oil price rising up again, Arab leader got worried and said: the oil price rising will finally end in impasse of oil country. Why is that? If oil price keeps rising, people will have to seek for alternative energy sources, even if the technology is not mature. Why new energy sources are so popular in recent years? It is because oil prices and the shortage of oil resources.

Referring to the technical research and development, I think that for a company, success means more than technology. Management is also very important. Not all the failure of business is because of outdated technology. So it is with biomass energy. The United States may have the most advanced technology, but it is in Sweden where biomass energy gets the best development, not the United States.