Sunday, December 27, 2020

Machine charcoal machine production line

How to make briquettes from sawdust? Machine charcoal machine production line equipment is composed of: pulverizer, storage bin, roller screen, belt conveyor, sawdust dryer, cold material system, screw feeder, briquette making machine, steel mesh conveyor, environmental protection carbonization furnace and other equipment.


1. Pulverizer: For machine charcoal, the size of raw materials should be below 3MM. In addition to sawdust and rice husk, other raw materials need to be processed by crusher first.

2. Roller screen: when the material enters the roller device, due to the tilt and rotation of the roller device, the material on the screen surface turns and rolls, so that the qualified material (the product under the screen) is discharged through the sieve of the outer circle of the roller, and the unqualified material (the product on the screen) is discharged through the end of the roller. Because of the material in the roller, roll, so that the material stuck in the screen hole can be ejected, to prevent the screen hole blocked. The sawdust drum screen is mainly used for the screening of raw materials in the production mechanism of charcoal making business machine.


3. Belt conveyor: it is to transport the screened sawdust to the sawdust dryer, with strong conveying capacity, long conveying distance, simple structure and easy maintenance, which can conveniently implement programmed control and automatic operation. The continuous or intermittent movement of the conveyor belt is used to transport items of less than 100KG or powdery or granular items. Its operation is high-speed, stable, low noise, and can be transported uphill or downhill.

4. Dryer: Before rod making, the humidity of raw materials is also strictly required, which cannot be more than 12%. If it is more than 12%, the raw materials should be dried.

5. Cooling material system: This system is the sawdust cooling treatment system after drying the dryer.


6. Screw divider: This equipment is used in the transportation of sawdust or fine particle materials, which needs to carry out quantitative split control on two or more branches. The screw divider can realize the proportional control of two or more channels of material flow and satisfy the arbitrary proportional distribution of material flow. It works under the ideal condition.

7. The briquetting machine for sale: the raw materials are crushed and dried, and the next stage is the rod making stage. The crushed and dried raw materials are processed into carbon rods (semi-finished products) through the wood chip log making machine at high temperature and high pressure. The bagasse briquettes machine can make carbon rods into hollow wage rods of 50MM, 60MM, 70MM, 80MM and 90MM according to customer requirements.

8. Steel mesh conveyor: This conveyor is used for conveying semi-finished mandrel produced by multiple rod making mechanisms.


9. High temperature carbonization furnace: the made salary rod is put into the carbonization furnace, through dry distillation or spontaneous combustion into the finished charcoal. The steam (white smoke) generated by the drying of the upper carbonization tube of the carbonization furnace is discharged; Coking furnace bottom coking tube coking produce gas, open the combustible gas valve, wait until nearly invisible when the smoke flue gas produced in coking process has been fully recycling, recovery of flue gas by spraying, cooling, purification process into combustible gas enters into the bottom of coking furnace informed for secondary combustion, then close the gasifier. In this way, the self-generated gas can be used to burn the self-generated gas to achieve the effect of energy saving; The whole process can be continuous carbonization production, pollution-free smoke emission, extremely environmental protection, meet the national exhaust emission standards.

The role of the press roller in the press roller granulator

The correct use of the press roller is one of the most critical factors affecting the use of ring mold cattle feed plant. We found in the long-term production and service, there are a lot of ring die in the use of uneven working face, low hole rate, productivity decline, new ring mold cattle feed manufacturing plant can not produce material, and so on, most of the reason is due to the use of the pressure roller caused by the irregularities.

New ring die in the use of ring die animal feed business pellet machine is characterized by: face level off, but the smoothness of eye hole and guide in the mouth, did not meet the requirements of normal granulating smoothness, the eyes of the new ring die hole to the material resistance and friction are large (especially the small aperture ring die), and the old roller shell at both ends are serious wear and tear, and the material easily from two head and wear of roll shell sliding into relief groove, make new eye on both sides of the ring die orifice discharge confusing or discharge. Therefore, the new ring die must be used with a new roller shell. Ensure that the matching use of more than 100 hours, ensure that the new ring die face pressure uniform, hole rate and polishing rate meet the requirements. In order to play out the ring of the best use of efficiency. In principle, each ring die must be used at the beginning of a separate roller, can not be used in other ring die series with the same roller shell.

The choice of feed granulator quality and performance is more important than the price

ABC Machinery granulator equipment can be in the large animal feed business market to become grading equipment is due to the ABC Machinery granulator has a unique side, what is the feed granulator so attracted many feed granulator customers eyeball? As a professional feed granulator manufacturers have to for the majority of feed granulator customers to solve the puzzle. Feed pellet machine equipment in the press block equipment market products, manufacturers are numerous, the price is diversified, quality and performance is not to say more, which makes poultry feed plant buyers bored heart.

Feed pellet machine is, in theory, the application of advanced technology and sophisticated manufacturing technology and equipment developed to suppress feed particles machine, heavy machinery and equipment, or feed pellets machine application field is very broad, feed grain, biomass briquetting machine feed, organic fertilizer granulator, and other fields have the form of feed pellet machine, it is the first selection of artificial granulating, granule machine production line of products.
It is not difficult to find that the selection of poultry feed making machine is a very important issue from the breadth of the feed pellet machine and the importance of the feed pellet machine, how to choose a good high-end compaction machine is each ready to invest in feed machinery production enterprises to consider the first problem. ABC Machinery granule machine remind you: buy feed granule machine can not only see the price, feed granule machine quality and performance is the key, no quality and performance guarantee, no matter how low the price can not buy, think small investment big return, if not small investment big return that big investment big return is also a good choice. Select feed granule Machinery to pay more attention to ABC Machinery granule Machinery: Learn more feed pellet machine purchasing skills, learn more livestock feed production machine product knowledge, in order to better choose it! 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The social significance of using small wood pellet machine

Under the pressure of environmental protection, most cities across the country have banned the use of new coal-fired boilers, and existing coal-fired boilers will be phased out. Due to the high prices of diesel and natural gas, the production and operation costs of enterprises have been increased and their competitiveness has been reduced. Compared with diesel and natural gas, the fuel made by the small livestock feed manufacturing machine maintains the characteristics of clean and environmental protection, while the price is relatively low, so it is an excellent substitute for diesel and natural gas. Therefore, in addition to the huge market potential of the small poultry feed making machine, there is also this huge social significance:

1. Gradually increase the promotion of biomass energy produced by poultry feed plant, which not only reduces costs, but also reduces environmental pollution.
2. It solves the social problem of "double prohibition" of rural crop straws and urban plant wastes. It not only effectively improves their comprehensive utilization rate, but also provides environmentally friendly and economical for industrial production, biomass power generation, restaurants, hotels, and residents' lives. New environmentally friendly fuel.

3. Biomass energy comes from green plants and can consume a lot of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, so it is called zero-emission energy. The development of biomass energy and the replacement of coal with biomass fuel can reduce carbon dioxide emissions, reduce atmospheric pollution such as carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides, and reduce the occurrence of acid rain. It will make a huge contribution to improving the energy structure, improving energy efficiency, and reducing environmental pressure.

What is the cause of uneven feed granule machine?

Feed granulator is currently the most widely used one of the livestock feed manufacturing, because of its production of products easy to store, transport and feed by the majority of farmers love. But feed granulator in the process of use sometimes also appear, such as granulator contains more powder, the size of the production of granulator is not uniform, granulator does not come out of these common problems. Farmers or feed processing plants in the daily use of poultry feed production machinery should understand some simple reasons for failure, and can timely make corresponding measures to repair.

1, The animal feed production machine blade, gear problems. The forming of feed grain mainly depends on the rotation of pellet gear, which drives the blade to cut grain. Once the gear or blade is out of order, the cut feed grain size will be uneven.

2. Motor problem. The motor equipped with granulator is the motor suitable for its rated power. Once the motor is damaged in the working process or the working power is unstable, it will not be able to granulate or pelleting is not uniform.

3. Operation problems. Because of the operator's non-standard operation will also make chicken feed making machine produce uneven granular materials. For example, the high moisture content of pelleting powder makes the feed particles not to be formed, or it is easy to be cracked by cold wind after forming, etc. In this case, the operator should analyze calmly, find out the reasons, and timely repair, so as not to affect the pelleting yield and cause corresponding economic losses.

The complete set of 80-ton flour mill equipment was successfully installed

ABC Machinery’s complete set of 80-ton flour mill plant has been successfully installed! Today is a good day, and everyone’s mood is very joyful and comforting. A customer in Henan’s 80-ton wheat flour production process equipment was completed. A simple farmer, due to limited funds and workshops, brought certain difficulties to the installation. However, after careful design and in-depth discussion by our installers and technicians, various difficulties were finally overcome. After the test machine was successful, the customer was moved beyond words, and the staff were very excited. All the staff of ABC Machinery wish us. 

This down-to-earth customer friend’s 80-ton maize flour milling process can bring him better economic benefits. At the same time, we also wish ourselves that ABC Machinery’s business will get better and better. Of course, all of this is inseparable from everyone’s support. Thank you all for your trust and support to ABC Machinery. We will continue to serve you as always.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cold-pressed cooking oil


Most of the vegetable oil we eat in our daily life is squeezed out by a hot automatic mustard oil machine, that is, the oil is cleaned and crushed before being subjected to high-temperature heating treatment, which causes a series of changes in the oil: destroying oil cells and promoting protein Denaturation, reduce oil viscosity, etc., to be suitable for squeezing oil and increase oil yield. However, the crude oil squeezed out from the oil after high temperature treatment is darker in color and higher in acid value, so the crude oil must be refined before consumption. At the same time, high-temperature squeezing of oil causes the biologically active substances (vitamin E, sterols, carotenoids, etc.) in the oil to be greatly lost during the squeezing process, resulting in a waste of resources.

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people increasingly favor cold-pressed oil in terms of edible oil. Cold pressed oil is sent to the oil press for pressing without heating or low temperature before the oil is pressed. The squeezed oil has a lower temperature and a lower acid value, and generally does not require refining, and refined oil is obtained after precipitation and filtration.

Cold-pressed oil has pure natural characteristics and avoids the adverse effects of traditional high-temperature oil-pressing processing. The cold-pressed oil retains the natural flavor and color of the oil, and completely preserves the physiologically active substances in the oil (vitamin E has anti-aging functions, sterols have skin-building effects and enhance human metabolism). The cold-pressed oil has good color. It is light, but the oil does not smell fragrant and does not get angry. The key is that the cold-pressed oil will not foam or silt the pan when frying.

We are a professional cooking oil machine manufacturer, providing oil presses, turmeric oil extraction machine, complete production lines, palm oil manufacturing plantsmall scale groundnut oil processing plant and other kinds of grease equipment.

Classification of feed pellet machine


Feed pellet machine is divided into ring die feed pellet machine, flat die livestock feed manufacturing machine, counter-roll feed pellet machine; according to usage can be divided into: small household pellet feed machine, poultry feed pellet machine, small poultry pellet feed machine, fish feed pellet Machine, rabbit feed pellet machine, pig feed pellet machine, straw feed pellet machine; according to production, it can be divided into: straw feed pellet machine, wheat bran feed pellet machine, soybean meal feed pellet machine, corn stalk feed pellet machine, sawdust feed pellet machine Wait. Different types of animal feed production machine are different in appearance and production method by classification.

The scope of use of the poultry feed production machine
The feed pellet machine is widely used in large, medium and small aquaculture, grain feed processing plants, livestock farms, poultry farms, individual farmers and small and medium-sized farms, farmers or large, medium and small feed processing plants.

Main performance characteristics of poultry feed machine
1. Simple structure, wide adaptability, small footprint and low noise.

2. Powdered feed and grass meal can be pelletized without or a little liquid addition, so the moisture content of pellet feed is basically the moisture content of the material before pelleting, which is more conducive to storage.  
3. Chicken, duck, fish, etc., can obtain higher economic benefits than mixed powdered feed.
4. Dry feed processing, the produced feed pellets have high hardness, smooth surface and internal maturation, which can improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
5. The granule formation process can cause the denaturation of pancreatic enzyme resistance factors in grains and beans, reduce adverse effects on digestion, kill various parasite eggs and other pathogenic microorganisms, and reduce various worms and digestive diseases.