Thursday, May 17, 2018

Chicken Feed Types - Mash, Crumble, Pellets

Feed Mash

To put it simply mash is a loose and unprocessed version of chicken feed. Similar to the texture of potting soil, mash is the finest variety of chicken feed commonly available. Mash is normally used for baby chickens, as it is easy to digest, however it is not uncommon for fully mature chooks to be fed mash. Some Chicken Ladies or Lads combine mash with hot water to create a porridge like texture that your flock will love to chow down on. Be mindful however of the fact that this method can cause the feed to expire more quickly. The main issue with mash varieties of chicken feed is that its texture often results in an increase of incidental waste, so bare that in mind.

Feed Crumble

In simple terms crumble is a coarse variety of mash but not as compact of pellets. Reminiscent of the texture of oatmeal, crumble is a semi-loose variety of chicken feed that is slightly easier to manage than mash. Some chicken lovers use crumble to bridge the gap between mash and pellets for their flock. Others claim that their girls just simply prefer the crumbly texture. Whatever your reasons for using crumble instead of mash or pellets at the end of the day it shouldn’t make any significant difference to your flock’s health.

Feed Pellets

Pellets are perhaps the most common variety of chicken feed available. Just like it sounds pellets are essentially little compact cylinders of chicken feed goodness. One of the benefits of using pellets is that they hold their shape nicle, which means they won’t go to waste if your ladies accidentally knock their feeder over. Easy to manage, store and serve, pellets often become the first choice for most backyard chicken keepers.