Sunday, June 10, 2018

Cassava Production in Nigeria

Cassava is grown in all the states of the Federation with the current production level being about 45 million tones per annum; a figure expected to double by 2020. Nigeria is the leading cassava producer in the world, producing a third more than Brazil and almost double the production capacity of Thailand and Indonesia. Although it is the world leader in cassava production, 90% of the annual production in Nigeria is targeted for the domestic food market.

The Cassava Production in Nigeria

Cassava is predominately known as one of the traditional food to the local farmers in Nigeria. Cassava is one of the most popular and widely consumed food crops in Africa. The roots are processed to starch, ethanol, flour and garri—a staple. Other uses include akpu, and lafun.

Cassava is planted in almost every part of Nigeria and It has the potential to industrialize Nigeria more than any other product if its potentials are properly harnessed, cassava will not only be a white gold but an alternative to oil as a non-oil foreign exchange earner and a key instrument for job creation and catalyst for development.

Cassava is a drought surviving crop which is easy to grow and very simple to harvest. This is another reason why local farmers in Nigeria prefer to grow cassava. All parts of cassava are valuable. Cassava leaves can be used to make soup or as feed for livestock, the stems can be used for planting more cassava, for mushroom production or as firewood, the root can be cooked and eaten fresh or processed into flour. Cassava can also meet industrial needs such as the production of bio-fuel and starch for use in paper- and drug-making industries.

The potential for Nigeria’s starch market is huge, as Nigeria is the largest cassava growing country in the world, with an estimated annual output of 45m tons, which continues to grow annually. The High Quality Cassava Flour {HQCF} industry in Nigeria is dominated by small scale.

Cassava Starch and Cassava Flour

Products you can process from Cassava production are cassava flour and cassava starch (Tapioca).

Cassava Starch:
Tapioca is a starch extracted from the cassava root through a process of washing and pulping. The wet pulp is then squeezed to extract a starchy liquid. Once all the water evaporates from the starchy liquid, the tapioca flour remains. However, cassava flour is the whole root, simply peeled, dried and ground. Cassava starch is used by the food industry, but is also used by the paper and textile industry, as well as an adhesive in glass, mineral wool and clay.

Cassava Flour
The traditional cassava flour of indigenous people is made purely from the cassava root and processed until it is a soft coarse meal, similar to moist corn meal.
Properly, processed cassava flour in whatever state is healthy and can be a great substitute for persons looking for gluten free and wheat free flour.
Since cassava flour is gluten-free and wheat-free, the bread made from the flour can be used as a substitute for those who suffer from celiac disease.

Cassava bread is seen as an important part of indigenous peoples’ traditional diet. It is said to keep away ‘new-world’ diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure and obesity. Cassava, also known as manioc or yuca in the Americas, is widely used all over the world as a staple.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

fish feed pellets making process

  General flowchart of fish feed pellets making

fish feed pellets processing technology

1. Raw material selection

Besides the nutritional value, the processing characteristics of aquatic feed raw materials should also be an important factor to be concerned about. The ideal processing characteristics of aquatic feed raw materials are not only manifested by larger output and less energy consumption in crushing, mixing or granulation, the more important point is that the final produced fish feed pellets must have good stability in water.

Starch is usually an important component in aquatic feeds, and the content of starch can be 5% to 60%. It is suggested that the starch content of sinking fish feed is 10% to 15%, and the starch content of floating fish feed is no less than 20%. In extruding fish feed pellets, carbohydrates act as adhesives, suspending agents, and emulsifiers. It is an important determinant of many structures and special sensory properties of extruded products.

2. Crushing
Crushing process can reduce raw material size to desired particle size. For producing 150-700kg/h fish feed pellets with regular requirements, the hammer mill is enough. For producing 1-10T/h fish feed pellets, the water-drop crusher is a must. For even larger aquatic feed manufacturing factory, the crushing process adopts secondary crushing technology, that is: first normal crushing, and then fine crushing.

3. Mixing
Mixing is one of the most important processes in aquatic feed production. If the physical properties of feed ingredients are the same, mixing is very simple. But as a matter of fact, the physical properties of feed ingredients are varied, and the problem of mixing and separation coexist. These physical properties include: particle size, particle shape, density or specific gravity, hygroscopicity, static charge and viscosity.
When adding material to the mixer, the smaller the ingredient is, the later it should be added., such as vitamins, minerals and drug premixture. Before adding oil or liquid, all dry ingredients must be mixed well (dry mixed). After dry mixing, spray oil or other liquids on the top, then mix again (wet mix). Horizontal twin screw mixer is the most commonly used mixer for aquatic feed. Usually there is a discharge port equal to the full length of the mixer at the bottom. Most fish feeds need to add some liquids. In some cases, they need to add some moist raw materials. In practice, it is generally allowed to add 10% of the liquid.

4. Conditioning (optional)
Conditioning is to add water and heat to the powdery material before making fish feed, it can: improve the digestibility and water resistance of feed, kill pathogenic bacteria. Usually this process is realized by wet type fish feed extruder, but its price is much higher. So, for ordinary fish feed production, this process is not necessary.

5. Fish feed pelletizing or extruding
For making fish feed pellets, there are mainly 2 types of machines: common feed pellet mill, fish feed extruder.

  • Common feed pellet mill can produce sinking fish feed and fish bait. Compare to making livestock or poultry feed pellets, the production of fish feed using feed pellet mill has the following features: 1. higher compression ratio.
  • Fish feed extruder:Nowadays, the most widely used fish feed extruder is single screw type. While the single screw fish feed extruder can also be divided into dry extruder and wet extruder. The fish feed extruder can produce all kinds of fish feed, like floating fish feed, sinking fish feed, slow sinking fish feed, and also semi-humid fish feed. However, as the feed extruding machine has complex operation, high price, and high production cost compared to common feed pellet mill, it is usually utilized in producing high grade aquatic feed.

6. Fish feed pellets drying
In order to prevent mildew of fish feed, aquatic feed must have good anticorrosive property. For fish feed factories, the most economical way is to reduce feed moisture, this is realized by dryer. The 3-layer drying machine can improve drying space and efficiency, at the same time screen fish feed pellets and seprate the powder. After heating and drying, the moisture content of the product is controlled below 11.5%, plus a well sealed outer package, generally, the feed can be stored safely for a long time. This physical anticorrosion method does not change the composition of feed, change the pH value of feed, nor affect the water quality of and feed quality. It is a safe and effective method.

7. Out-spraying
In fish or aquatic feed production, the edible oil and heat-sensitive components are usually sprayed by drum-type sprayer. When feed pellets fall, the vaporous liquid material is sprayed to them, so feed pellets can fully contact with droplets in the air. The main technical points of this external sparying technology are: (1) make the liquid atomized as much as possible. The smaller the droplets of atomization, the more uniform the distribution of liquid in the particles. To do this, the design of the spray nozzle is very important; (2) the weight of the particles and the liquid material match. The outside spraying process is a continuous operation process, so the water solubility of spraying liquid must be considered to avoid loss into the water.

8. Fish feed pellets cooling
The fish feed pellets, after spraying liquid, are conveyed to counter-flow cooler. The counter-flow cooler has many advantages in fish feed pellets processing, such as high automation, small air volume, low power consumption and small floor area.